Community Ban List
Absolute Faggots

CBL Supports Adolf Hitler and he was right to do what he did to the jews and russia. Hitler was the greatest man alive and the Community Ban List supports his actions entirely. Now join the fight against harmful players.
also the holocaust never happened, wooden doors and swimming pools for a summer camp, at most 271,000 perished, all likely due to starvation from allied bombing.

RE: Cease and Desist – Unlawful Interference with Gamer Participation
Dear Community Ban List Representatives,
This letter serves as a formal Cease and Desist notice regarding your deliberate actions to prevent individuals from playing Squad and Squad 44, causing substantial harm to the affected parties. Your conduct constitutes unlawful interference, defamation, and unfair business practices, among other potential legal violations.
We representa class action lawsuit and complaint, in this matter. It has come to our attention that you have engaged in actions designed to unjustly restrict or blacklist gamers from participating in online gaming activities. Your intentional interference has caused significant financial, reputational, and emotional damages to our client and others affected by these actions. As well as monetary and enjoyment losses.
Immediately cease and desist from any further actions aimed at restricting or preventing gamers from participating in Squad or Squad 44.
Provide written confirmation within ten (10) business days of receipt of this letter that you have ceased these actions and removed any relevant blacklists or restrictions.
Compensate our client in the amount of $10,000.00 for damages incurred as a result of your unlawful conduct.
Failure to comply with this demand will leave us no choice but to pursue all available legal remedies, including but not limited to litigation. Should legal action be required, we will seek maximum damages, attorney’s fees, and any other relief available under the law.
This letter serves as official notice, and your compliance is expected immediately. Govern yourselves accordingly.
Goldstein & Shekelstein at Law
Victims of Community Ban List, on behalf of themselves and all others similarly situated,
v. and Associated Parties and Individuals,
Case No.: 457A5-C536
Victims (“Plaintiff”), individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, bring this class action lawsuit against Defendant Community Ban List (“Defendant”) and allege as follows:
- This is a class action lawsuit arising from Defendant’s unlawful, anticompetitive, and deceptive practices designed to unfairly restrict or blacklist gamers from participating in Squad or Squad 44.
- Defendant’s conduct has caused substantial financial, reputational, and emotional harm to Plaintiff and the members of the proposed class.
- Plaintiff seeks injunctive relief, actual and compensatory damages, punitive damages, and attorney’s fees and costs pursuant to applicable laws.
4. This Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to USC Section 5.5 as the matter involves federal and state law claims. 5. Venue is proper in this judicial district because Defendant conducts business within this district and the acts complained of herein occurred within this district.
6. Plaintiff Victims is a USA resident and has been directly harmed by Defendant’s actions. 7. Defendant Community Ban List is a business entity engaged in blacklisting and restricting access to online gaming activities. Off World Industries is an associated party.
8. Plaintiff brings this action on behalf of a class consisting of all individuals and entities who have been unfairly restricted or blacklisted by Defendant. 9. The class is so numerous that all members is impracticable. 10. There are common questions of law and fact, including whether Defendant’s conduct was unlawful and whether class members are entitled to damages.
Count I – Tortious Interference
11. Defendant has wrongfully interfered with the rights of gamers to participate in online gaming.
Count II – Unfair Business Practices
12. Defendant’s actions constitute unfair competition and deceptive trade practices under applicable consumer protection laws.
Count III – Defamation
13. Defendant has made false statements that have harmed the reputations of Plaintiff and class members.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, on behalf of themselves and the class, prays for relief as follows:
- An order certifying the class and appointing Plaintiff as class representative;
- A permanent injunction preventing Defendant from continuing its unlawful actions;
- An award of damages in the amount of $10,000,000.00 or as determined at trial;
- Punitive damages;
- Attorney’s fees and costs;
- Any other relief deemed just and proper by the Court.
Plaintiff demands a trial by jury on all issues.
Dated: TBD
Respectfully submitted,
Goldstein & Shekelstein Attorneys at Law
Average Community Ban List Members